Monday, January 19, 2009

Tammy's Tigers

Yesterday was our day off from the conference I'm working at here in Chiang Mai, Thailand. A group of 10 of us went to a local place where we could actually play with real tiger cubs. They sure are cute! We had a blast. In the picture where I am laying down on the tiger, I am actually listening to her heart beat.


JCo said...

Hi Tammy! That is so neat that you got to play with the tigers! Hope all is well with you.

Anonymous said...

looks like fun!

Michelle Koenig said...

Tammy - that is awesome! Love you and can't wait to see you when you get back. When is that???

mmbickhart said...

the bigger the cat the bigger the sneezing?? I'm curious to know what tiget dander did to your sinuses!!!

mmbickhart said...

sorry about the typo..its tigeR...not tiget